
今天與兩位太極拳的同好在 Southwark Park 的草地上打起了鬆筋活骨六法、鬆身五法太極拳四十二式。能夠和學生相聚打拳真是一件開心的事情。我們會在 Canada Water 地鐵站門口外集合,然後到 Southwark Park 練拳、鍛練身體。對太極拳有興趣的朋友或同好,可以透過部落格或者神恩太極拳的網站或臉書 http://www.facebook.com/SOTCLondon 與 Leon 聯絡喔。

Spring is a fantastic season for tai chi training. Imagine practicing tai chi movements in a spacious park (Southwark Park, near Canada Water tube station).  Leon is teaching tai chi in Southwark Park.  We will be gathering outside of Canada Water tube station and heading towards the park together.  If you are interested, please message Leon via the blog or text Leon (http://www.facebook.com/SOTCLondon)!

Timing (時間): 7:45am, Easter Saturday 7 April 2012, please text me prior to attending the class if this is your first time training with us!

檢視較大的地圖 (Canada Water tube station)

檢視較大的地圖 (Southwark Park)

Sing Ong Tai Chi website: http://www.singongtaichi.com/

Sing Ong Tai Chi London link: http://www.singongtaichi.com/class_ne_europe.php?id=llef  

Sing Ong Tai Chi Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SOTCLondon


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