我先說明我沒有在觀光果園工作的經驗,沒有在工廠處理剛上岸的牡蠣的工作經驗。我在這裡透露一件很糗的往事,高中時期的我,曾經在基督城的一間快餐店打工, 幫客人裝熱騰騰的炒飯、灑上香噴噴的咕魯酥肉,或者是在廚師快炒的廚房邊上接外賣的訂單電話。一開始英文還不是很好的時候,緊張、加上廚師快炒的鍋碗瓢盆 碰撞聲響,我常常抄下不正確的外賣地址,讓送外賣的車手找不到客人的住所。

從高中到工作、從工作到結婚,我在紐西蘭待了十三年,紐西蘭文化與教育與生活經驗給我在西方社會生存的(最基本)奮鬥資本。什麼是『奮鬥資本』!?這是我剛 剛隨機組合的單詞,舉個例子好了,我在倫敦西區的一個不動產基金工作,有一次的會議上,與一位來自蘇格蘭的不動產專家(約五十歲上下的一位白人老紳士)討 論一些在蘇格蘭當地的不動產投資方案,聊起來就聊到了紐西蘭,他就說他的父親(約八十多歲,我猜)曾在紐西蘭基督城的男子高中學(就是我就讀的那間),搞 到最後他的父親是我的老學長、老前輩。瞬間就拉近了這一位蘇格蘭人與我的距離。這樣的『偶遇』一直在我的倫敦工作生涯上演。紐西蘭橄欖球國家隊的現役球員 有多位是只比我長一屆的高中學長,適當的時機點落下兩三位球員及學長的名字,就會看到同事們羨慕的眼神,然後很快地找到人際上的破冰點(ice breaking),這一切都是我很感激紐西蘭的點。


紐西蘭打工度假Taiwan Working Holiday Scheme201265號開放報名):


Taiwan Working Holiday Scheme(紐西蘭打工度假)

Each year, 600 places are available under this scheme allowing young people from Taiwan to stay in New Zealand for up to 12 months.


2011/12 Quota(二零一一年到二零一二年的名額)

The 2011/12 quota is full. (二零一一年到二零一二年的名額已滿)

2012/13 Quota (二零一二年到二零一三年的名額)

The quota will open on 5 June 2012 at 10:00am (New Zealand time).


Online application service(線上報名業務)

Applications under this scheme must be made using the online application system. Manual or paper-based applications which are received by the New Zealand Commerce & Industry Office in Taipei or by any INZ office will be returned to the applicant.


To be eligible(申請者的條件為下)

You must: (你一定要擁有)

have a passport from Taiwan that is valid for at least three months after your planned departure from New Zealand


have household registration under the laws of Taiwan (在台灣擁有戶籍)

be at least 18 and not more than 30 years old(在十八到三十歲之間)

not bring children with you(不能攜帶幼童)

hold a return ticket, or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket*


have a minimum of NZ$4,200 available funds to meet your living costs while you are here


meet our health and character requirements(符合我們的健康及人格要求)

hold medical and comprehensive hospitalisation insurance for the length of your stay(有醫療保險)

be coming to New Zealand to holiday, with work or study being secondary intentions for your visit


not have been approved a visa under a working holiday scheme before.


*You are required to hold sufficient funds for the duration of your visit and for the purchase of an outward ticket from New Zealand. Such evidence may be requested on arrival at the border.


Health requirements(健康要求)

You will need to meet our health requirements for temporary entry to New Zealand. 


Character requirements(人格要求)

You will need to meet our character requirements for temporary entry to New Zealand.


When you are here (當你到了紐西蘭後)

you must not take up permanent employment (unless you apply for and are granted an ordinary work visa while you are here)


you must not work for the same employer for more than three months


you can enrol in one or more courses of training or study of up to six months’ duration in total during your visit.


Please note: New Zealand law prohibits any person on a temporary visa including a working holiday scheme work visa, from providing commercial sexual services, or operating or investing in a business which provides such services.



Like all New Zealand workers, you will need an IRD number so that your employer can deduct tax from your earnings at the correct rate. In New Zealand, you pay tax on a pay as you earn (PAYE) basis. This means that there should not be a large refund or an amount to pay when you leave. For more information see Inland Revenue's Travelling to New Zealand webpage [http://www.ird.govt.nz/yoursituation-nonres/travel-nz/].

(與當地人相同,你需要一組紐西蘭國稅局的號碼,我們俗稱為IRD number,有這一組號碼,你的雇主才能正確地替你處理稅務的申請,通常是你拿多少的工資,就付多少稅PAYE

How do I apply? (我要如何申請)

Take me to Working Holiday Schemes online. This link will take you to our Online Services login page. On this page you can register for online services or if you have already registered you can log in and access the Working Holiday Scheme online application system. Check our questions and answers for more information on the online application system. (你要直接上網申請)

Applications under this scheme must be made using the online application system. Manual or paper-based applications which are received by the New Zealand Commerce & Industry Office in Taipei or by any INZ office will be returned to the applicant. (申請者一定要透過網路申請,傳統的紙件申請表格會被退回)


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